Zoom virtual backgrounds
Zoom calls are now a daily ritual as we’re still working from home. You may have decided to permanently work from home and don’t want colleagues to see the piles of washing and ironing behind you, this is where Zoom virtual backgrounds can be your saviour.
Recently I have been asked by a number of my clients if I could design a Zoom background for them and to be honest I really enjoy designing them and my clients enjoy using them. It shows you to be a professional person who really cares about your brand.
So what is are Zoom virtual backgrounds?
Put simply, it’s an image file that is designed to a specific measurement and saved as a jpeg file allowing you to go into Zoom and add a virtual background. In most environments a Zoom background works quite well without a green screen but if you have a busy background or you’re working in a poorly lit room you may need to invest in a green screen too. It’s always worth checking the processing power of your PC before you take the plunge and get one designed.
How do I approach the design of a Zoom background?
The most important thing it has to be ‘on brand’ and what I mean by that is your logo and colour scheme need to match your current branding. I may suggest a plain background or introduce an image, it really depends on the look I’m wanting to achieve for my client.
When you order a virtual background you get your designs emailed to you for checking and up to two rounds of changes to ensure you are completely happy with your design. Once you are happy, your new design is supplied complete with a mirrored version ready for you to add to your Zoom profile and you’re good to go.