Spotting typographical errors

Spotting typographical errors

Are you alert when it comes to spotting typographical errors or just a misplaced letter that ends up giving the wrong message to the one intended?

Sure we all make them from time to time and it’s usually too late when they are spotted. For example the job may have already gone to print or that post or email has already been sent.

Imagine how embarrassing it must be to not even realise that a mistake has been made until someone else spots it.

For today’s blog I wanted to scour the internet to see what was out there and these are the ones that made me smile.

Imagine having a bad day, you’re just about to log out of your computer and instead of it asking if you want to exit, it asks ‘Are you sure you want to exist?’

Spotting typographical errors are you sure you want to exist

What if you were going to a shop with the intention of stealing. Would this be a better option than to be prosecuted?

Spotting typographical errors shoplifters will be prostituted

Well they had three choices; to, too and two. Did they choose the right one? I suspect not.

Spotting typographical errors school two easy for kids

If you were looking for some part time work, would this interest you?

McDonalds sign error

So basically they are saying that it’s fine to illegally park in this car park. I’m not sure that’s what they meant to say.

Illegally parked cars will be fine

You’re hungry and fancy a snack. Well how about some of these?

Mini dognuts

I have no words for this one.

Go slow accident porn area

I hope this wasn’t presented to the English teacher.

Your the best teacher ever

This isn’t a room you would want to spend too long in.

Executive bored room

I hope some of these have made you smile today. Just remember it always pays to get someone else to proof read your artwork before it finally goes to print or production, preferably someone who is good at spotting typographical errors. It will save you money and some embarrassment too.
